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Marketing Makeover Meetup
Transform Your Marketing Materials in 90 Minutes
Thursday, March 14th, 5:30 – 7:00 pm at Purple Cliffs
$10 for PWN Members, $15 for non-members

Bring your primary marketing materials (webpage, giveaway, flyer, advertisement, etc.) and join us for a dynamic workshop to refine your marketing strategies and receive expert feedback for effective lead generation.

Giving away a marketing makeover:

Submit your lead generator to marketing@pwndurango.org by March 9th to be considered for an on-the-spot makeover, where you’ll get professional feedback and suggestions for optimizing your marketing materials.

Everyone in attendance will learn key concepts and tips for an effective lead generator. You may even get new leads at the event as you share your materials!

This event is hosted by PWN’s marketing coordinator and local business consultant, Kelly Miller, with Kelly Jean Marketing.
Bonus: Attendees will get a special discount for a profile pic, i.e., headshot, photoshoot, and pre-shoot marketing consultation to set you up to get the right looks.
Amplify your marketing impact with practical strategies and peer-to-peer feedback in this immersive networking event.


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